AROUND EVERY CORNER. Life can appear as if it is an illogical repition of the day before, before. Yet the onus is on us to change it, adapt it to suit, or simply ladedahdedah it. Ever thought about an alternate route to your regular place, ever taken pics as you head on your way? A different route may be like a spring clean, finding a change is as good as a cure. Taking pics on route may fire up in you an imaginative spirit when you look back on what you have collected.
The apperance of life in it's raw form can most certainly dum the brain into submission, locking out the prospect of change. So the spiders web can entrap you, but only if you allow it to dum your brain into submission. I used to work in the city of London, around the axis of The Bank of England and Threadneedle Street. I used to work on electrical maintenace of resturant equipment for a chain of teashops, covering the city and the west end. One of the pleasures of my job was we were on foot, toolbag in hand I changed my routes so many times. It was amazing the hidden gems you would find hidden in 60's London's streets, alleyways, and mews. Not only history, but aspects of life you might have missed. Such moments allowed me to never touch the spiders web.
